Creating Npm Packages From Swagger
Create npm packages of swagger generated code via the swagger cli
First download swagger codegen version 2 as version 3 seems to produce code with lots of errors. Build the cli
cd swagger-codegen-2.4.0
mvn package -DskipTests
Then get your swagger json definition from your application endpoint in spring boot this is normally /api/v2/api-docs
and save it yo a file api-docs.json
or use the url directly if you can, then with swagger cli built run the following command pointing to the json provided by the swagger endpoint
java -jar ./swagger-codegen-2.4.0/modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i api-docs.json -l typescript-angular -o ./client/ --additional-properties ngVersion=6.0,npmName=<PACKAGE_NAME>,npmVersion=0.0.1
This puts the generated code in the client directory mkdir client
. Then to verify that it worked properly do the following
cd client
npm run build
this will run ng-packgr which should build a dist directory which can be published to npm
installing the package locally
Go to the dist
folder that was created by building and run npm link
. This will create a symlink to you system node modules install which you can then use in your consuming project by doing npm link <package_name>
this installs it locally for development with out the need to publish first.
Publishing the package to an internal npm repo
First you’ll need to update your package.json in the generated client with your npm repo like so
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "http://myrepo/nexus/repository/npm-private/"
then to actually publish do
npm publish dist
If you get an error about having to login or user not authorised this is because the npm cli has to login/authorise a user with the remote, if we were using the npm registry provided by npm we would use the credentials we used to make an account on However because we are using an internal repository we must tell npm to authorise our user for a specific registry with npm adduser
however running this on its own from the project does not read the publishConfig
section from the package.json so we have to run.
npm adduser --registry http://myrepo/nexus/repository/npm-private/
if when building you get typescript compile errors involving rxjs and your
global ng version is 7 and the local angular version is 6, remove the ^
the version of rxjs in the dev dependencies of the generated package.json